Created a brand new follower framework unique to this mod, which will allow for compatibility for other follower framework mods. Soldiers will actively try to stay close to one another, and will sprint to their commander should they fall behind. Major improvements to Cohort/Battalion AI. The player will also be protected from arrows in the same way as long as the have the 'Deflect Arrows' perk. Stormcloak Battalions and Imperial Cohorts will block and form shield-walls to deflect incoming arrows as they advance towards the enemy, taking no damage to arrows as long as they are facing enemy archers and are not being flanked. Previous 'Armies' have been re-organized into Cohorts/Battalions, and are now standardized at 28 soldiers. When a soldier inside a column dies, others will move up to take their place. Formations are much more efficient, much higher quality, and much less script heavy, and will no longer rotate in place, moon walk, or get stuck/fall behind objects.